Saturday, 17 March 2012

update 17TH March 2012

Stocking stitch alternate stripes and fluffy wool.

Stocking stitch
textured wool.

Stocking stitch. two yarns alternated .

Texture and double knit
garter stitch. stripes.

Arrowhead  stitch
multi yarn used.

Zig zag columns.


Mixing textures, bobble yarn, fluffy

Flowers to attach to the piece

More flowers

Crochet flowers.


Stocking stitch (Knitted) multi yarns

Wavy ribbons(Knitted)
The stream at 88ft
Update The stream is growing fast. Have measured it this am and it totals 26 metres long approx 88ft. I still have two donations to sew to the stream . I have yet to measure them and have been promised a further 25ft. I am amazed at the different shades of green,blue and green blue mixes that are available and the array of different stitches. Fantastic everyone keep up the good work. Posted some flyers today targeting local schools, Day centres, Knitting groups, libraries and brownie/guide groups. Still trying to get more people to join the crusade.  I have also a few people being really creative and adding, flowers, leaves, pompoms. etc. I have been sent some pics. Keep sending the pics and I will post as many up as possible.


  1. I was passed on a letter about your project from St Luke's school. I don't knit, but can crochet. I teach crochet in my "Wool & Wittering group" and would love to help. I can get some of my fellow crocheters involved too. Just checking, you don't need the pieces to be a certain width, just 35 stiches? and you supply the wool? Check me out at

    1. just 35 stitches and no longer than 7ft Please . we want to un pick the stream after the exhibition and use as scarves for the homeless. The first 100ft and any donations exceeding 7ft will be floated and all the rest hopefully can be reused.
