Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Hello everyone
Angel's poor dog isn't very well at the moment so I'll do the blog today! Get well soon Bert.
 Angel did the radio interview earlier this week, which went out live, so must have been pretty scary.  Well done for that Angel..

We would still love to hear your stories about knitting.  If you can't make it to Bournemouth Gardens to see us, please just add your story to this blog and we'll attach it for you.  It can be anything knitting related - memories about clothing you've knitted, about how you started knitting, why you do it, items you produce..anything really!

This is my memory.  -  The first item of my clothing that I remember really well was a bolero my mum knitted for me.  I was very young - a toddler I think. My bolero was pale lemon angora. I can imagine it now, pale and perfect, soft and fluffy.  It was only worn "for best" with a birthday party dress. I remember it was kept in the drawer of the tallboy at the top of the stairs  and  I used to go and stroke it from time to time.

 Now, if only there was an adult version!

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance.

Have a lovely Easter.

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