Sunday, 1 April 2012

 I am really excited tomorrow evening. I have a radio interview on Hope fm 7pm.  To discuss the Bournemouth Stream, Building Bridges 2012 project. I am hoping that some of their listeners  will join us in our challenge.
 I really enjoy Knitting and have done since I was 5 years old. My Nan taught me to knit , she had the patience of a saint. I used to start off with 10 stitches and end up with about 30 stitches and a lot of holes. By the time I was at junior school I was good at scarves. I made one for my mum, she never wore it, she kept it for best ( I wonder why?) . Making my first baby blanket at 18 years of age. It still exists today. I kept it in the loft for My children's babies. Now My daughter is expecting We gave it an airing. All the memories come flooding back. Where I was when I knitted it etc.
My knitting skills have improved since then i'm glad to say.
It is interesting as to why people knit?. A hobby? To  pass the time? to create a garment? to make art?
We all have different reasons for knitting. Isobel and I are interested in why people knit ? who taught you etc. Knitting has always been a big part of my life like cake and choclate. It is my guilty pleasure.
If you have any knitting /crochet stories you wish to share. we would love to hear from you?

I have included the latest  pics . Thank you to everyone who is participating in this challenge .
lozenge stitch (Crochet)
Triangle stitch
please if you have any thoughts please leave them on our blog we value your contribution

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